Used: Parmesan-style vegan flakes
Vegan flakes in parmesan style, 100% vegan, fur, lactose-free, soy-free and without preservatives • Great taste of fine parmesan, great for using pastas, pastries and salads
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Used parmesan-style vegan flakes. Photo: Sell360pro
The "used" vegan cheese brand from Kibbutz Gan Shmuel continues to surprise and brings a new and important line in the milk substitutes: After successfully launching a product line in the vegan cheese category, which includes vegan yellows, vegan salts and a series of vegan spreads flavors, the new vegan cheese brand launches: vegan flakes Parmesan style. The new vegan cheese contains only plant ingredients, 100% vegan, lactose-free, soy-free and without preservatives, with a wonderful taste of fine parmesan. The Parmesan will be marketed in a 150g package and is great for using pastas, pastries and salads.
According to dietitian Yael Dror, clinical and physiologist M.Sc, Israeli development has recently been able to create a culinary substitute for cheese that does not contain milk or various milk components. These are "used" vegan cheeses that contain calcium and dietary fiber that contain no cholesterol, no soy, no trans fat, no preservatives, and are well-groomed. Vegan cheeses provide a very important health and nutritional response for the consumer, especially those who until now could not consume dairy products and had difficulty supplying their daily calcium.
Company executives Eyal Edut and Omar Eliav, the "used" brand, aims to produce cheese substitutes in all categories and to present delicious substitutes that cater to the vegan audience, avoiding milk and kosher keepers. "The vegan spread series we launched about a year ago is a great success for us. We are confident that the customer audience will also enjoy the new product, the Parmesan."
Kosher fur under the supervision of the ultra-Orthodox Ada Jerusalem.
Recommended retail price: 18.90 - 19.90 NIS for packing 150 grams.
Obtain in selected nature stores and marketing chains.