At the end of the first street in Metula there is a hotel for travelers from Metula. The hotel was established in 1936 under the name 'Humbrian' and was already intended to serve the people of the city who sought clean air and mountain views. For 77 years, the old Goldberg family managed the hotel, and now a group of hotel travelers continue their long-standing hospitality tradition, after four and a half months of renovation and design, and inaugurate its newest and newest hotel. Traveler Hotel Metula joins three travelers from across the Galilee, based on the European B&B concept.
Photographer: Albert Edut
Bat Chen and Tal Yeshua, owners of a group of traveling hotels, gave the hotel a total renovation and design at a total cost of NIS 3 million, to match it with the level of rural hospitality and meticulous service that characterize the group's activities and the traveling spirit of tourism. Renovated in all of its rooms, modern systems required by the new hotel were introduced, with full care to preserve the long-standing yard and long-standing tradition.
Like the three other hotels located in Kibbutz Gesher HaZiv, Ayalon and Malkia, the Hotel Travelers in Metula is based on a comprehensive knowledge of the variety of routes and resorts and resorts in the area and offers holidaymakers all the tools needed to get to know the Galilee closely. The professional team assists travelers with the choice of destinations and route planning, whether it is hiking, motoring or visiting spectacular vantage points and more familiar and lesser-known sites. In addition to professional guidance, hotel guests also enjoy guest cards that offer discounts at dozens of attractions and restaurants in the Galilee.
Photo: PR
Night cost + breakfast:
Double room / studio for the couple a week - 500 NIS, extra for the child - 100 NIS. Weekend - 600 NIS, extra for child - 100 NIS. Mini suite - midweek for couple - NIS 650, weekend - NIS 750.